Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Hexagon African Flower Blanket

 My lovely Hexagon African Flower Blanket with pattern

It's been a while ago I have finished this blanket, only today I have a chance to make pictures and love to share this beautifull granny's hexagon African Flower with you.
There are a lot of granny hexagon patterns out there that you can pick in some point before decided which granny motif I woul like to try for my 5th crochet blanket about a year ago.
It has been since last summer I have finished this beautifull blanket and use this to warm myself in cold windy autumn, last year.
Just sitting on my backyard and reading my "A week in the winter" by Maeve Bynchi.
I choose cotton wool as my basic material, "Cotton Time" very souple yarn but not warm enough to warm you up in the winter as this patter create some holes that allow the wind cold you away from the windy autumn.
So, I decided to make another one using a Merino Yarn that will keep you warm.

The pattern is originally from an Afrikaans South African magazine, called Sarie. Link to the original pattern in Afrikaans which surely written in Dutch-South Africa.
I am glad to cheers your eyes with this beautifull blanket that would make you wanted to try making it by your own.

I can say this pattern is not really for beginners but a lot of crochetter said this is easy. It might have thought if you are making a tons of those hexagon it will come out with a piece of cake. If you eager enough to learn, you will master it after you make ten of those hexagons.
I will be happy to help you, if you struggle in the beginning, mail me I will surely guide you. 
<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/6995351/?claim=6g86qd5jmwf">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>
African Flower Hexagon granny's

120 hexagon to made to create this 135 x 160 blanket

You will need 120 hexagon to create a finished size of blanket 135 cm (W) x 160 cm (L) the border itself will add another 5 cm every side.
Materials I use is:
- A mix of Cotton Time and Bravo, both are from smc Schachenmayr by Coats Germany.
- Sizes E/3.5 mm crochet hooks or size to obtain gauge.
- Tapestry needle

Sorry that I don't remember anymore how manyskein I need as I always collect hundreds of this yarn on my attics.

For the border I combine 3 beautiful borders, on the first border I use the pattern written by Patricia Kristoffersen (Amercian School of Needlework) with her book "Beautiful borders baby blanket" a braid of 4 differen pastel colors.
The second and third borders I have created my own design which I will try to share with you on my next post since I haven't put it on written.
Sewing all the hexagons and close with sc around 2 rounds with a corner made.
3 layers of beautifull borders apply to this lovely colorful blanket
Here is the basic pattern where you easily follow:
With big thanks to nadelspiel.com whom upload a video tutorial for this lovely african hexagon. It will obviously help you if you struggle with above pattern:

English version tutorial


Ready enough for a challenge, try it and have fun!

Good luck

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Social Media design ICONS for your blog

 How to apply your cute social Media Icons to your Blog?

How to Apply your "Cute Design" Social Media Icons to your blog?

As a return blogger I would love to redesign my blog page to look more fresh and attractive, I am spending so much time looking for many ideas to make my layout design fit to my blog character.
Learning from other blogger is one of the way we can do, beside my basic grade photoshop class giving me a lot of help for me to create my own simple custom design.
This little cute social media icon is my next target, and I finally found they were not so difficult to do it by yourself.

These are 8 easy steps you can simply follow:

1. Go to your blog setting - choose Layout

2. Click on any of the Add a Gadget links to add a plugin. then choose html/ JavaScript

3. Ignore the Title and go ahead to fill the content

4. Copy and paste this code

<a href="LINK"> 
<img src="IMG LOCATION LINK" /> 

Thanks to Davella that gave herself  to post long time ago her code, it's so helpfull and work easily.

5. Repeat a couple of time as much as how many social media you have,  

For me, I need 5 copies: Facebook, Twitter, Etsy, Instagram and Pinterest.

6. Change the LINK on your code

 <a href="LINK"> <img src="IMG LOCATION LINK" /> </a> 
with your social media link ie:https://www.facebook.com/lovelycreativeboutique

7. Then change the IMG LOCATION LINK code with your image link

<a href="LINK"> <img src="IMG LOCATION LINK" /> </a>

8. Upload those cute image and copy paste on IMG LOCATION LINK

You can use Flickr or Photobucket  to upload your own direct image links.

Save and Refresh.
If you want to modify with some custome bigger or smaller size button, you can add thise information behind the IMG Location Link add this size
"height="32" width="32", it will look like this:

for my Instagram
<a href="http://instagram.com/cin_vdmeer/"> <img
MissIndieCreative/Instagram.png"height="32" width="32"/>

Change 32 with 64 to appear bigger size.

If you are creative, have a design background & you lots of time, you can design these icon by you own. We are lucky, there are a lots of designers giving this social media icon for free. 
We can download it and use it for personal use, you can match it with whatever color and design to your blog. I have included here some cute icon that I like but you have a lot more fun to play with this icons for free, check out Vandelaydesign for more choices of Icons free download

1. Retro Style

2. Hand Stitched style

3. Girly Design
4. Cute SM design

Have fun and good luck!

Monday, 12 January 2015

New Year Resolutions


I hope you all had an amazing wonderfull time with your family, friends and love ones.

It's a good moment to start blogging my blog again, unbelievable how time flies so fast and 2014 has passed without any path post I have been made out on my blog.
2014 filled out with a speedy recovery after my back operation and how I tried so hard to stand back up on my 2 feet, on my heavy exercise which I never been into it.
How gratefull I am when thinking back to the time I was almost could not able to sit, stand or walk. How frustration are you when you are trying to have a little nap in the middle of the night and not being able to due to the pain killing you.
Every hours is become a bomb to me and getting a bit releave when I took my pain killer.

I am so thankfull that everything is behind my back and here I am standing tough, walking a lots, cycling even run!
Sleeping was sometimes giving me a hardtime, but I am working on it. I am sure one day there will be a solution for this.

Talking about running or jogging it really keep myself in a good condition, mentally and some rest in mind. Building a strenght on my back, with physio exercise to build my stomach muscles too (seriously I have muscles now).
Get back into my work, catching up what I have been missing on the last few months in 2013 and booster myself up being a good employee and kicking again!
It still not possible for me to visit my hometown due to I am not able to fly 16 hours and sitting for a hours is still one of my BIG enemy. I need to keep myself on a movement, bycycling, walking, running was being my routine. Being creative with a good healthy food become a new me and my husband during the week and weekend.

2014 have closed with a lot of beautifull moments leaving some it's dots path, and some christmas celebration with family and friends turned into a wonderfull unforgettable cheerish time.

Here I am now sitting behind my screen, writting on my blog which I missed it for almost 2 year.
Love to share my resolutions even I am down in my terrible cold for 4 days, next to me is a bunch of paper napkins and my lime honey tea accompany me for these latest few hours.

1. Focus to love people near you that gives love to you

I tend to give a lot of attention to tooso many people thru so many different point of view, family and stuffs. Sometimes I feel so sad while never getting any response to what you ever gave.
It is not wrong to give to pay attention to so many people as much as I can. But, we have our own limitation, time and power. When you don't get back you will feel exhausted and tired, it bring you into frustration.
So my first year Resolution is try to  love people near me that love me a lot and not dividing my time to so many people. I am slowing down my time focussing myself to love these people that has been doing a lot of thing for me, my husband, my son, nephew, niece and my friends and not paying too much attention to too many that never trying to be in touch with me and getting sad because of that.
I won't be sad anymore for not getting back all the attention I have been giving in the past.

2. Upgrading myself in work

I have been working a lot last year and that was not without any courage, I am pushing myself to be super productive, self motivated, self driven and always being happy to what I reached. And I have rewarded, I got salary raised for 6% while the rest of average in the Netherlands got 3% or even less.
Thanks to you boss, you are always the best leader I ever have!
I am not trying to be perfectionist, but there are a lot of things that I would like to do to upgrade my quality.
Taking a taxation class, and start building up my future career dream is one of my resolution top list, being a VAT expert is still on the way I am building up my dream.
Taking a pro-Excel class, or challenge myself for another TOEFL test, while my driving exam is coming soon (Dutch exam), next is my Dutch pro-correspondence class and the last is start up my France class.
Do you have any ideas for any excel training class, comment me here under. It will be much appreciated.

3. Build myself into a healthy me

Being healthy means consuming a smart-good-healthy food, good work out and healthy brain.
I think I had been a real good experiencing my cooking time these latest years,
I cook more vegetables, making smoothies eat less meats and butter. Much more beans than sweets, consume more peanuts than cookies. I will post some of my secret recipes, original recipes or just some new creation that I simply found while experiencing my own.
Going for a run was something never been on dictionary in the past, I put a lot of effort to start and begin with, but now I am really into it, I love being on this mood, enjoy the rhytm, breath the fresh air and the nature then I found myself in the very good condition ever!
Adding up myself with a lot of newly healthy recipes, do you share healthy recipe.
I looove to have it!

Do you run to or you are a pro runner,
give me some tips to avoid sprain or muscle damage during your first start.

I still want to subscribe myself into a POWER YOGA class in the neighborhood, I need it not only for building up strength on my back and stomach muscle.
It will gives me a lot of time to myself, leanr how to meditate, loving myself more and gives myself more time to build more relationship to myself, , enjoying the small moment that we sometimes missed.
I love socks-love to make & love to collect them
This beautifull picture I download from facebook friends
When we love ourself, we will be strong enough to building up a good relationship with other people and have more quality to love others, contribute more to make the better world.

Those are my 2015 resolutions, I am not going to make it too complicated, too many but it's very focuse.

What are yours, I would love to know, share me and hope to hear from you!

Here are some pictures I'd love to share with you, taken from wonderfull moment on a visit to Efteling (wonder, fantasy, dream land) in December up to the last christmas moments or just some lovely images uploaded close to the year eve celebration.

Christmas decoration I have made sending out for relatives
filling with some liquor chocollate & wrapped candies
Christmas decoration infront of your TV
Do you believe in Fairy Tale? I do!
We sometimes need a time to free our imagination and bring your dream comes true.
Winter picture I download from Line

This paper sucker, sucked my hand very well.
Secret stone recipes book

Talking tree, blinking his eyes and waving his branches

ow oww... being a child is sometimes a needs
to keep your mind relax and sharp, don't you think so?

A Winter Lovely moment 2014- infront of Droom Vlucht (dreamland), where all the fairies, trols and pixies came into life.
A very different moment you can enjoy with your love ones, fam or friends. Experience yourself to a world behind your imaginations, dreams and illusions you don't want to miss it when you visit the Netherlands.

Tijdens de Winter Efteling: indrukwekkende illusies na zonsondergang geprojecteerd op Villa Volta. Een unieke belevenis die je meegemaakt moet hebben! Kijk mee naar de complete show zoals getoond wordt tijdens de Winter Efteling.

Ladies of they year
what can be more delightfull than this?

With Pat and meet up Jess, precious moment 2014.

My Etsy shop is temporarily close for the holiday and I am preparing some new creation for the new winter collection. I will be back after January 15th with a new collection, be there and let me know your opinion.
The last but not least, here is my simple recipe when you have a terrible cold:
Tea with Lemon, ginger and Honey, do you have any other suggestions?

Enjoy yourself

Lovely Crochet and creative Life Boutique